Friday, March 26, 2010


Another lack of sleep day... we are so not morning people. Had to be at tre's new school in lansing for a meeting to get him all set up by 10am... which ment I had to get up and start the proccess of getting everyone ready by 830am.... well we made it just in time then had to sit for half an hour because nancy tre's old teacher was trapped in a meeting that ran over, but the kids did really good and tyler was alseep the entire time so whooo! So he was a little confused and didn't want to leave but thats a good thing right? sigh... he starts monday, he goes 4 days in the afternoon from about noon-3. For me its a bit stressful, he's my closest buddy (has been forever) and its hard not having him at home even though he drives me nutz most days.

I still have to call tiny-k and see if they will come over and do a quick speech eval on ben to either confirm or deny that he needs any help. Because honestly he talks up a storm but something still seems off he says sentances backwords and things like that so i figure it wouldn't hurt to get him evaluated too.

Lunch was eventful. Tre' was eating pasta then suddenly started getting sick he missed everything but the table and his chin thank goodness I probably would have lost it too if I had to smell that all the way home. No idea why he got sick, wasn't much, just freaky. Pizza hut food is killer :P

Weight loss is not going as planned despite my working out I still havent been staying within my points for the day and using all my weekly allowance points the first day I get them then trying to spend the rest of the week making up for it. Well yesterday I sunk into another depressing state because I lost nothing and gained another 1.5lbs. Today was suppose to be different. I think I went over but only by a point which is progress.

Homework sucks... I still only got a 7/10 on my latest quiz which will not help my grade at all... 81% in the class sucks... and if it doesnt' get better I won't get money back like we so desperatly need. Plus the stupid teaching class is confusing, I forgot how much more was involved with teaching besides sitting in a classroom and actually teaching. Theres meetings, conferences, and a lot of stupid paperwork (I don't mind the grading part just everything else...) it just seems really stressful to keep up with.

Photography... ahhh how fun would that be.... I am so excited! Now if I could just get my camera and start studying up on everything I should be fine :D So fun!!!!!

Lets see, what else......

Didn't get the fan fixed today either we missed him stopping by, or he never came. Either way poo.

Oh and my phone is practicly dead... so if someone needs me they are going to have to talk over facebook or wait an hour for me to respond because thats about how long it takes for me to get a message and then get signal back again to send one... hopfully I can get that fixed soon mom's looking into it (hubby's mom that is.... I miss them... but thats another vent)

Now that I've wrote a book I'm going to bed... Night everyone :D

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