Thursday, March 25, 2010

All the pretty new things....

So when we moved in our towel rack broke the first time we used it, just fell right out of the wall! So when the landlord people sent us our what was broken before you moved in sheet we were told to add that to the list, along with the fan in our bedroom that does not work. Well this morning (probably the only reason I'm awake now given I'm running on about 5 hours of sleep) is because the landlord and the guy who built these houses came to finish repairs on the towel bar and look at the fan to see what needs to be fixed. Well I guess instead of just getting the same kind of fan they are going to replace it with a fancy one that has a remote like our living room fan. Whoo!

I got my Wii fit yesterday!!! I know have the board and both wii fit games! and they are kicking my but already :/ ow.... I did the running in place and about threw up afterwords.... I guess that means its working!? lol... I was starting out a little harder than I needed to anway. Just antzy to get this fat off!!!!! I'm destined to loose 75lbs that would put me within my weight range.... I have a long way to go :( so far only down 5.... but I still have 75 left :'( Here's to that long journey....

I got my NCIS today... all seasons out right now 1-6.... They were from china so the casing is different but I could care less. I'm just excited I can catch up now....

I found the perfict camera.... Its so horribly depressing. I can get two lenses a bag a usb and about a dozen other things with it for only $350.... which is like a quarter of what its worth... but I'm broke... That alone is frustrating.... :( theres 9 days left on ebay so we will see how it goes :( but I don't see it happening....

Hubby's out registering the van and bringing us lunch...I am starving right now... water does nothing in the mornings... I should have had breakfeast but by the time I remembered that he was due home. Oh well one step at a time. Do not have anything to do today thank goodness... well besides school anyway but at least I get a little break to enjoy the family... so far they are wonderful today I got hugs and kisses when they woke up and tyler laughed at me... Awsome!

Thats about it.... going in for lunch probably update again later :D

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